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8 June 2022 - 9 June 2022
Bologna (online event), Italy
Innovat&Match Brokerage Event & International Cluster-to-Cluster Meeting 2022


This year too, we’re hoping to deliver a great event for participants and we count on your support to ensure the quality of all profiles. Please only validate their clients’ profile when 

  1. the participant type is correct - please note only "Clusters and other cluster related actors" are admitted to participate in the dedicated meeting sessions on the 8th, June.
  2. the marketplace section has at least 1 item (product, service, partnership and so on) 

NEW! Client with no marketplace? Check out the answer to the question Who would you like to meet? * 

This question has been added to the registration form to help you and your client identifying a clear goal for the brokerage event. In most cases, the answer to the question can be used as a base to create a marketplace entry.

Please consider using the answer to the question to create a marketplace item for your clients. You can then ask them to review it and publish it only when they have approved it.

Please note participants have 4 weeks to complete their profile. In the event that they fail to complete their profile before this deadline, it will be cancelled. This is to ensure the best possible matchmaking experience for those who want to participate.


📯 There's still time for you to promote the event!

Please find some email templates and communication materials at this link.

Download the SOCIAL MEDIA KIT and share this image as an INSTAGRAM, FACEBOOK, TWITTER and LINKEDIN image post. Share your participation to the event, and encourage your clients to do so! 

Deadline for registrations: 6th of June 13:00 CEST

Closed since 6 June 2022
Bologna (online event), Italy
Organised by
Participants 281
Meetings 299
Italy 147
Spain 22
Taiwan 14
France 12
Romania 7
Lithuania 6
Greece 6
Poland 6
Mexico 6
Türkiye 5
Belgium 5
Germany 3
Portugal 3
Finland 3
Ireland 3
Malta 3
Ukraine 3
Hungary 2
Czech Republic 2
Bulgaria 2
Tunisia 2
Slovenia 2
Israel 2
Serbia 2
Russia 2
Croatia 1
Montenegro 1
Austria 1
Australia 1
Algeria 1
Morocco 1
Estonia 1
Guatemala 1
United Kingdom 1
Netherlands 1
Peru 1
Total 281
Company 101
Cluster organisation 66
Start-up 45
R&D Institution / Research Centre 18
University 12
Other 10
Association/Agency 9
Cluster network 7
Innovation Promotion Agency 5
Laboratory 4
Association of clusters 2
Public Authority / Government 2
Total 281
Profile views
Before event 5993
After event 747
Total 6740