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8 June 2022 - 9 June 2022
Bologna (online event), Italy
Innovat&Match Brokerage Event & International Cluster-to-Cluster Meeting 2022


The International Cluster-To-Cluster Meeting is a high level event for cluster organisations from all over the world aiming at exploring common areas of interest, activating new partnerships with cluster organisations and other innovation actors, and exchanging innovative models for cluster collaboration. The event is an annual appointment for meeting high-level representatives of cluster organisations and cluster experts to prepare the ground for practical cluster international cooperation and innovative projects.

The event is an exclusive international meeting for cluster organisations - and their supporting actors - to explore possible common areas of interest for joint actions.

The format offers a unique opportunity to attend inspiring workshops and engage in pre-arranged online 1:1 meetings.

The matchmaking event 

Participate in a two-day global matchmaking event with exclusive sessions dedicated to cluster-to-cluster bilateral meetings (first day) and mixed sessions with all innovation actors like startups, innovative companies, research centers, technology and science parks, universities, etc (second day).

Digital Talk & Workshop

The C2C programme includes one digital talk (free registration) and an exclusive workshop in presence (by-invitation-only). 

  • The digital talk will offer an online panel discussion with cluster experts and policymakers on the topic of diversity and gender equality. The digital talk will be hosted on the R2B platform on the 8th of June. 
    Sign up
    to register and discover the panel moderator and speakers.
  • The workshop will be a roundtable between Italian clusters and regional policymakers. It will take place at the Bologna Fair on 9th of June.

Who can participate

The event is meant for Managers of cluster organisations, cluster networks and cluster associations (like Cluster managers, Cluster President, CEO, etc), Cluster experts, Policymakers and Representatives of organisations responsible for cluster initiatives, etc.

How to participate

The event is free of charge but registration is mandatory.

  • Register here to join the global matchmaking event
  • The registration form is available on the R2B digital platform. Click here to register to attend the C2C digital talk. The registration form will be available on the R2B platform digital.rdueb.it
  • Write to c2c@art-er.it if you are an Italian participant that wants to join in the workshop in Bologna


DAY ONE 8th June
11.00 - 22.00

Matchmaking sessions - Cluster to cluster bilateral meetings (Online)

11.30 - 12.45 Digital Talk - Diversity and gender equality: clusters look ahead (Online)
DAY TWO 9th June
09.00 - 22.00

Matchmaking sessions - Bilateral meetings on digital transformation & just transition (Online)

11.00 - 13.00 Workshop - Roundtable with Italian clusters, experts and policymakers (Bologna Fair).


Closed since 6 June 2022
Bologna (online event), Italy
Organised by
Participants 281
Meetings 299
Italy 147
Spain 22
Taiwan 14
France 12
Romania 7
Lithuania 6
Greece 6
Poland 6
Mexico 6
Türkiye 5
Belgium 5
Germany 3
Portugal 3
Finland 3
Ireland 3
Malta 3
Ukraine 3
Hungary 2
Czech Republic 2
Bulgaria 2
Tunisia 2
Slovenia 2
Israel 2
Serbia 2
Russia 2
Croatia 1
Montenegro 1
Austria 1
Australia 1
Algeria 1
Morocco 1
Estonia 1
Guatemala 1
United Kingdom 1
Netherlands 1
Peru 1
Total 281
Company 101
Cluster organisation 66
Start-up 45
R&D Institution / Research Centre 18
University 12
Other 10
Association/Agency 9
Cluster network 7
Innovation Promotion Agency 5
Laboratory 4
Association of clusters 2
Public Authority / Government 2
Total 281
Profile views
Before event 5993
After event 747
Total 6740